Korean animation series “Catch! Teenieping” keeps catching on with children around the globe.
The cartoon topped Netflix Korea’s trending kids category four days after the launch of its first season. YouTube channel "Teenieping TV", meanwhile, exceeded 208,000 followers.
The series has been widely watched in Australia and North America, where it has ranked No. 5 and No. 9, respectively, on Netflix’s trending kids’ content list.
According to the creators of the show, SAMG Entertainment, it also ranked among the top three on Chinese streaming platform Youku after its release in China in July. Over 1.2 billion people viewed the Korean cartoon animation through diverse Chinese online platforms, including Tencent and Aichi, the entertainment company said.
“‘Catch! Teenieping’ was created from the beginning as a global IP (intellectual property) that can expand online and offline and go beyond being a typical girls’ animation,” SAMG Entertainment CEO Kim Su-hoon said in a statement. “We will grow it as Korea’s representative global IP through not only applying the best graphic designs but also by introducing fresh stories and attractive characters.”
Based on The Korea Herald