
Viewers choose "Vroomiz”, “Duda&Dada” and “Bubble Marin”

 "Vroomiz”, “Duda&Dada”, “Bubble Marin” are the TV animation series which parents of 0-6 year-old children prefer, according to the survey conducted by the family portal Tlum.ru, online service for modern parents Letidor.ru (Rambler&Co) and online movie theatre Tvigle.ru. All the three animations are included in CLS Media Company’s film catalogue.

The portal Tlum.ru conducted a survey among modern moms and dads named “Which animation series does your child watch?” It turned out that half of the votes had been given to such educational animation series as “Duda&Dada”.

The top list of the animations that parents mostly show to their children has been posted by Letidor.ru in cooperation with online movie theatre Tvigle.ru. According to this list, the animation series “Vroomiz” is in Top 5. “In this animation series the emphasis is being made on correct strategies of overcoming difficulties. That is why it certainly has an educational and, so to say, a psychotherapeutic effect”, - a psychologist Maria Bulina comments on the benefits of watching “Vroomiz”. The animation series “Bubble Marin” occupies the special 6th place among the animations which 0-6 year-old boys choose.