30 years after the original adventure series "Mysterious Cities of Gold" had aired, TF1 Production and the animation studio Blue Spirit arrived with its long-awaited sequel.
The 1st season was released back in 1982 and now its creators, Jean Chalopin and Bernard Deyriès, have been invited to act as consultants for the new project. The action of the 2nd part will still take place in the 16th century. The new generation of children will enjoy watching the adventures of Esteban, Zia and Tao in their thrilling quest to discover seven mysterious cities scattered on different continents.
Currently, the show production is gradually coming to an end, and the premiere is already scheduled on the 7th of April on TF1 channel. The new season is also to be broadcast in Belgium, Switzerland, Portugal, the UK and Canada.
Based on kidscreen.com https://kidscreen.com/2013/03/18/tf1-resurrects-the-mysterious-cities-of-gold/