
"GoGoBus" Tops Audience Ratings

The children's educational program "GoGo Bus" aired on the 8th of July at China’s leading national channel Aniworld. The very next day after the release it reached № 1 position in Aniworld audience rating. The animated show was also broadcast on the other Chinese mainstream channels as well as on the leading online platforms IQIYI, Tencent, Mango TV and YouKu where it consistently gained high view scores.



The show creators, WinSing Animation, are known as one of the leading and influential media groups in China. The company is guided by the latest learning and entertainment trends in mass content creation. Thus "GoGo Bus" project actively integrates the latest Social Emotional Learning ideas to help children better understand both their own feelings and the needs of others.


WinSing representatives are sure that the project has great potential to for further promotion at the European and Asian markets. The company intends to introduce the series for pitching at the MIPJUNIOR this year.